Why subscribe to our Substack?

It is time for us all to connect with everyone on Earth who is here to Embody their High-Frequency self, and thus create a physical expression of the New Paradigm we were born to experience.  

We are using Substack as one of the avenues to create connections in a way that is easy to find, to share and to spread. 

Join the 2.5 Billion people crew who’s bringing in the Earth we know is natural to ourselves and Gaia. Let's plant the seeds for the New-Paradigm together.

Here is what happens when you join:

  1. You make a commitment to embody your high-frequency self. Using the tools we send you every week, will empower this commitment.

  2. We create a connection, that can lead to many, that can lead to all. We are here to connect, let’s get on with it.

  3. You are directly supporting the creation and spreading of this empowerment material by choosing a paid plan, or by sharing the information, or by using the tools you get every week. We ask you to do all three.

About Inelia Benz

To read more about Inelia Benz and her mission, read her story on IneliaBenz.com.

Subscribe to Inelia’s Substack

Self-Empowerment Information and High-frequency communities


Creator of the Ascension101 ecourse, author of "Interview with an Alien" and word class spiritual teacher.
With a rich lineage of Mapuche and European wisdom keepers, I invite my readers to embark on a literary journey that traverses the art of sharing wisdom through stories.