In a couple of my novels and in many of my recent articles and podcasts, I have been talking about “Earth as we know it”, “the larger Earth”, “Earth from an expanded awareness perspective”, and other such expressions.
These expressions are ways I instill a wonderment about how we understand what the Earth truly is, its nature, its shape, and our role within it.
I have given “experiential” descriptions of the Earth and its true nature in my novels, “Interview with a Psychic Assassin,” and “The Earth Files”. But even within the unconstrained parameters of a novel, the way to express what “Earth” is, is filled with cultural and societal barriers.
Recently I heard a scientist say, “even though our physical and direct experience of Earth, when we live and walk on it, is flat, we know scientifically that it is round.” This scientist’s words are loaded with the program that she is trying to push. Firstly, she is saying that people who believe in a flat earth are wrong and that the “science” proves that the earth is round. Secondly, as a well respected scientist she gives only two options. In her discourse, she presents us, as an expert, with only two possible options for the shape of Earth. Flat or sphere.
Even describing Earth with the word “shape” is not accurate. The word “shape” limits what we can understand the Earth to be, by restricting it with geometry. What would you say to the sentence “Earth doesn’t have a static shape”?
Still, even just considering two possible shapes for the Earth brings about an expansion of awareness about Earth. And as a curiosity here, both shape theories are supported with scientific evidence for that shape. In other words, those who believe in a Flat Earth, have mountains of documents and scientific study proving it is flat. As do the Round Earth believers.
Let’s expand this awareness past flat or round shapes. We can start getting a better idea of what Earth is, by taking away the word “shape” and replacing it with the word “nature”.
The nature of Earth is neither round nor flat. It is multidimensional and dictated by the perceptual frequency band that our physical body senses can perceive and agree (as a collective) of as possible. Our primary physical experience of Earth is of a flat place as we walk and live on it. Some experience it as curved as they look in the distance and see objects slowly disappear. It is also limited in our experience by the perceptions that we interpret as “time” (movement of physical objects through space), and our collective agreements of what is true and possible. AND, these don’t even take into account things such as alternative timelines or what we individually agree to experience.
We can literally program a body to see or not see things in the environment. Often, we take visual records like photographs and videos, and take written or audio notes of things to remember them later. Later, we may go back and look, read or listen to these records and we will remember them and the things that have happened around them. Sometimes, however, we will have zero recollection of the events, but they must have happened, we think, because we made a record of them. So our experience of reality, even though we don’t recall what we see in the record we made of it, is that we simply forgot about the experience, because obviously we did the thing we recorded, but is that really the only option?
Well, the Earth is a bit like that. It is both like a movie of what we want to remember, and a collective agreement of what we want to understand it as.
Because the format that I am using to impart this information, and article, is very limited in scope, I am going to make a list of things you can start thinking about, that will start to bring in new perceptions of what the nature of the Earth, truly is:
Planet: Middle English planete, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin planeta, modification of Greek planēt-, planēs, literally, wanderer, from planasthai to wander.
Earth: Middle English erthe, from Old English eorthe; akin to Old High German erda earth, Greek era.
Era: More Greek words for era. εποχή noun. epochí̱ time, season, age, epoch.
The word “world” meant “age/era of man”.
Old English woruld, worold "human existence, the affairs of life," also "a long period of time," also "the human race, mankind, humanity,"
In Old English gospels, the commonest word for "the physical world," was Middangeard (Old Norse Midgard), literally "the middle enclosure", which is rooted in Germanic cosmology.The original Latin word for world was 'orbs'. Mundus is a late translation for the Greek word 'kosmos'. This Greek word conveys the idea of order, and order in a Greek point of view means the right measure, symmetry, harmony and beauty.
Does water have a shape? Or is it shaped by its vessel? Imagine the vessel that contains the Earth is your mind, and that the Earth is like water. Does it even have a shape?
All space photographs of Earth are admitted photoshop composites shaped and ordered to fit into a model of Earth that is round like a ball. The photographs don’t show a ball. In fact, if you go to Google Earth, and look at your area, you will see that the map show a lovely and perfect grid of squares. But if you click on the North or South poles, the images are no longer square but tapered and edited into very long triangles to make them fit into the shape of a ball. Interestingly also, the South Pole has a 9 mile round area blacked out.
Any “absolute” and “static” statements that individuals make when describing Earth, are inherently limited and thus erroneous. As you can see above, by scratching at what the names we call Earth by mean, scratch even a little bit, we get something that moves, that is an era related to humans, it is “time”, an enclosure of some sort, and something orderly, symmetrical, harmonious and beautiful.
Allow the song of Earth to take you to new heights of awareness. Allow yourself to think past a static three dimensional shape. Allow yourself to perceive Earth’s true nature even if just for a little bit of it (this last paragraph is not grammatically incorrect, nor a typo).
This beautiful planet is for me quite a bit magnetic and thus multidimensionally toroidal. That might also answer the question of navigation (compass) and explain missing view of pole (just hole). We, as rare Earth magnets (understand: the strongest of the strong) live within very orderly “era of man”. In other words – our orders are binding and being delivered. This is not a semantic typo or mischmasch. This is just a playful writing (on free will) – for more details check “Who and What Are You Forming Moment to Moment”. Let us be aware, mindful (this is our creation) and vibrating high – as we have all the power.
Thank you, Inelia and Larry. You expanded my Earth to Something Else Entirely. 😍