It was November 1st 2024, on our way home from the monthly Enlightenment Class I give at the Shamanshack, we saw two tiny kittens on one of the bridges between the Shamanshack and our house.
We stopped the truck and got out to try to catch them as main roads and concrete bridges are not good places for tiny kittens.
Within a few minutes I had caught one and brought it back to the truck. The second kitten ran into the forest and meowing loudly, hid from us. We took the first kitten back to the Shamanshack, gave it food and water, a litter tray and left it in the garage while we went to get the second kitten.
We worked very hard to find and capture the second kitten! Two hours later, Larry agreed we needed the live trap with yummy cat food and a teenager to help us set it.
By the time we set everything up it was very late. We took Brett, our teen, to the Shamanshack to meet the kitten we had captured. We spent quite a while with the kitten, then went to check on the live trap again and as it was empty, we drove home. Our teen decided that he was going to drive back to check the trap at midnight, which he did. He returned home in the small hours of the next day with an empty trap.
The next morning, we went to check on the black and white kitten and Brett decided to stay with it as it wanted love and cuddles. We came back for him that evening, at which point Dann decided the kitten would stay with him in his camper. We set him up with a litter box, cat food, water and went home.
That evening, we went back to the bridge to try to find the kitten and set up the live trap again. Larry went under the bridge and saw the kitten run away toward me. I was running to the bridge at the time but didn’t see it.
We stayed in the area of the bridge for a long time. Daniela, my daughter, had suggested that I ask the Sasquatch to help us capture the kitten. I hadn’t thought about it but if anyone can see in the dark and even mind control other animals it is the Sasquatch.
After hopelessly looking for it around the bridge, I put my awareness out to ask the Sasquatch to guide me to where the kitten was.
I started walking down the road and felt the Sasquatch guide me to stop. Then they guided me to turn around and walk back to the bridge. Before getting to the bridge they told me to turn left. I did and saw that they were guiding me toward a driveway.
At the end of a field by the bridge, there is an old farm. No one lives there but the owner does visit it on a regular basis and some of his kids work there in the summer. The driveway is very long and, as it was after sunset, it was all very dark except for two lights on the farmhouse itself in the distance.
As I started walking down the driveway they told me to move the flashlight from left to right and up and down. As I did this, I saw the tell tell sign of two little eyes looking back at me in the distance. I quickly walked over to where I could see the eyes. They were under a truck bed on the ground. I looked and there was the little black and white kitten.
When Larry reached us, it ran away and was too fast for me to catch.
It ran toward two large barns by the farmhouse. We ran after it and when we got to the barn, we heard multiple meows. There was more than one kitten there.
Although we could hear the kittens, we were not able to see them. We went back to the bridge, took the live trap and set it inside the barn. Then, we went home for an hour.
We came back with our teen and lo and behold, there was a kitten in the trap. But it was not black and white! It was a tiny tabby boy kitten.
Brett, our teen, told us that it was the kitten he kept seeing inside the trap all the time and he kept forcing himself to visualize a black and white kitten in it because he knew the kitten we were looking for was black and white.
This kitten was domesticated, like the first one we had captured, and had been abandoned. We took it home.
On day three of the kitten hunt, we set the trap several times during the day (it kept getting triggered), but we caught no kittens. We also left some food for the kittens in the barn. We decided that since the kittens were in a barn, all we needed to do was give them food every day and they would be fine.
On the fourth day, the 5th of November 2024 which was election day in the USA, we were driving to the barn to feed the other kittens when I spotted the black and white kitten running next to the truck about a mile down the road away from the barn. Larry stopped the truck and we got out to look for it. It was gone.
Larry did not see it and thought perhaps I had imagined it. But, on our way back from the barn, we saw the kitten half a mile further down the road, running. We followed it and when it got into the bushes, we got out and tried to catch it.
I got to touch its back but it was fast and ran off into the woods.
Again, the sasquatch showed me where it was. Larry went into the woods following the directions we were given and could hear the kitten very close to him.
After a while, it ran back to the road where I was and bolted at great speed. I ran after it until it went back into the forest where I lost sight of it. We spent quite a few hours looking for it. We went home, got the live trap and set it on the spot we had last seen it.
The following day, the Shamanshack Mystics advised us to go look for the kitten after 7pm, that it would be looking at us, and then return for it after 10 and we would be able to catch it then. We followed the instructions. After we walked up and down the road calling for the kitten for an hour at 7pm, we went to our friends’ house to borrow their thermal vision scope. At around 9:30 pm, they joined us for a kitten hunting expedition.
Fred and Kara drove in their own car and we then drove to the area we last saw the kitten at around 10pm. It was a lot of fun, and Kara and I did see a shooting star, but no kitten. When I asked the Sasquatch to show me where the kitten was, all I sensed back were Sasquatch giggles.
Disappointed at not having found it, and wondering why the Sasquatch were giggling, we all drove home.
We still keep an eye out when we drive past the areas we last saw the kitten at, but we haven’t seen it since. As to the kittens in the barn, they vanished the same day we saw the kitten running down the road. I think a predator chased them out of the barn. Also, they did not eat the food we left for them.
It was over.
We were trying to figure out what it was all about and then realized that due to the kittens, we had spent very little time in front of screens during the election day, and the aftermath that followed. A positive activity to get us off the screens perhaps? We are still not sure. The tabby kitten, Little Buddy, decided Brett is his mommy. And the black and white kitten we first captured decided Dann is her universe.
Don’t forget to tune into our podcast, where we discuss the experience in more detail. Also, if you become a supporter you will be able to access the second part of the podcast where we explore the meaning of the experience with our panelists.
I'm giggling, too! I enjoyed this. 🐈⬛ 🐈⬛ (Our kitties, a brother and sister named Dave and Lexi.)