Many of us are making plans for 2025. This energy, that of planning for the next 12 months, has a huge effect on our co-created reality.
Headlines and topics being broadly pushed and discussed on the mass media outlets, including what was at one time considered alternative media, at this time are not coincidental. They are very well planned and released to have very specific effects in the human psyche, and our plans for the future.
I am listing four headlines, and the mystical energies linked to them and what these energies are designed to do, prepare us for, or create. This is purely an informational newsletter. It informs us of what the effects behind the headlines are designed to have. It does not mean they will have those effects on us. Because we are informing ourselves about them, chances are they will not affect us negatively. We are no one’s victims… or saviour for that matter. Keeping this in mind, here are the headlines.
US is 'deploying additional resources' to solve mystery of drone sightings
It has been fascinating to watch the multiple sighting videos showing mysterious objects flying above our skies. The theories are everything from religious extremists, or the Chinese landing a drone mothership to fly over the USA, to the drones being objects deployed to hide the presence of UFOs. To… they are an alien invasion.
Like all headlines these days, the top headlines are busy dividing the population on what these flying things could be.
Strong Storm Brings a Rarity in San Francisco: A Tornado Warning.
Strange and odd weather, not just in San Francisco but all over the world. Lowest temperatures, highest wind speeds, highest temperatures, rainfall where there shouldn’t be any, and none where there should.
The reasons given are wrapped up in confusion and fear.
Two Russian tankers sink in Black Sea spilling 4,300 tonnes of oil
Ukraine accuses Moscow of recklessness amid risk of ecological damage to marine environment.
When the war in the Ukraine is not enough to create a bad guy, ocean oil spills save the day. Division and righteousness. If the lightworkers are still not rooting for Ukraine, they are more likely to do so now.
ABC News agrees to pay $15m to settle Trump defamation suit
The lawsuit stemmed from a top anchor’s inaccurate on-air remarks about a sexual abuse case involving Trump.
Trump always gives a good headline. He is loved and hated by so many that no matter where they stand, his name will bring in division. The ‘win’, in this case, for Trump, is probably politically designed to bring topics back to the table.
Why should light/dark headlines be interesting to those of us who have chosen the Light-Paradigm? Because being informed about how we can often be seduced back into fear, stress and righteousness will give us a better chance to stay in the Light.
If you haven’t already, join us on where Larry and I will discuss each one of these headlines and maybe new ones, exploring more mystical energies that are behind them.