why it's important to figure it out and what does it have to do with Enlightenment?
Learning to be successful is important for all lightworkers around the world. I will first talk about how to succeed, because, to be honest, it’s what we have to do, and then I will talk about why it’s important for us to succeed right now and what is Success’s relationship with Enlightenment.
This is one of those articles where I like to pull several threads together so we can see the connection between different aspects of reality and their role in our lives today.
Let me begin by qualifying the word “lightworker” as it is used in this article: A person who is actively working to achieve their natural state of high-frequency embodiment and consciously and actively co-creating high-frequency life experiences on Earth.
And this is the meaning I am using for the word “success”: favorable or desired outcome. From Latin succedere to go up, follow after.
Success, in other words, is “what follows”. And, of course, “what follows” in the context of this article, is to be “favorable”.
Just the meaning of the word “success” will give you a lot of information about how to work with it and what to expect.
Today I was chatting with someone about succeeding at business. I saw a pattern. The pattern is one I have seen many times with my students around the world. And it goes something like this:
Goal is to have wealth.
First step, become a billionaire.
Second step, become a trillionaire.
Another common example:
Goal is to be happily married with kids.
First step, be married.
Second step, have kids.
That’s it.
You may think it’s great, or silly and there is no judgment around it. But how does one achieve those goals?
The very first thing I talk to people about is that goals of this magnitude are not really goals but distractions and sabotage. Why? Because sitting on your sofa and “deciding” to become a trillionaire is not “followed” by you becoming a trillionaire. There are lots of steps between the decision and the actualization of the goal. If a person thinks that they can use “the power of decision because they are a living God,” to achieve it, then they have not understood The Rules of Engagement for our reality today.
Those types of massive goals are a way we disempower ourselves. A way to lose confidence in ourselves and “validate” the belief that we are “victims to the system”, or other such thing.
The key is to start with believable goals, believable stories, and achievable steps. For example, for the first goal above, I would say, the first step is to increase your income this month by $10.
If you, yourself, decide to start your path to trillionaire status with the $10 extra exercise, check to see if there are any resistances. Things like, “if I start with $10 it will take years to become a trillionaire.” Or, “I can do $10 with my hands tied behind my back.”
At the end of the month check and see what your results are. Did you make $10 extra? If so, then great! Next month, go for $100 extra. If not, then scan the month to see what happened. Did you lose money on lottery tickets and other such things? This means you were trying to bypass the small steps needed for a solid outcome. Lottery winnings are rarely a sustainable income source. What we want is sustainable, reliable, solid.
If you are going for the married with kids goal, for this month, make room in your life and closet for another person to live with you. And if you succeed, next month you can start investigating the dating scene.
Do you see what I am illustrating?
Where we are right now, is what we have manifested and co-created for our entire life. It is all the decisions, actions and co-creations we have participated in day in and day out. The totality of those actions is this present time life and experience.
A day is composed of 24 hours and those hours are composed of minutes. That is how we measure time these days. And in every one of those minutes for your entire life, you have made choices and actions. And those tiny choices and actions are what created your present life.
By making small goals and achieving them, we are basically reverse engineering what we do all the time. Except this time we are doing it consciously.
When I was 17, I decided to start my own business. It was in the early 1980s, and there was a massive recession going on in the UK, where I lived. I could not get a job and my mother and brother were unemployed also. So, I decided I would start a business and give them jobs too.
The first thing I did was to figure out what structures were out there that could help out on starting a business and what kind of business might succeed with the skills we already had. The only marketable skill I could find was that my mom could cook really wholesome and tasty food.
But I didn’t have any money to start a restaurant. And there was a recession, which meant that restaurants were going under by the dozen in the city we lived in.
After some investigation, I found out that the lowest investment business one could start in the food industry was catering.
I took evening classes on how to run a business, marketing, selling, bookkeeping, business plans, and more. After a few months, I had figured out two main things. One was that there was government money for minority business startups, and that the local community centers had kitchens that were left unused and empty most of the time. And the other thing I learned was that, because of the recession, there were tons of classes and events by the government which were well funded in order to support the people in the city. I attended these free seminars and events to learn to run a business that were sponsored by the government, and figured out that these events themselves actually needed catering.
I put all the bits together, and soon had won contracts to feed people in exactly those seminars and events. The marketing was South America, and Native American food, minority business support by the government, etc..
I was 17, and had given myself, my mother, my brother and two more friends, full-time jobs.
The business lasted about a year. The failure that followed was because the adults wouldn’t listen to me and wanted to run the business themselves. I had made the error of making into a co-op, so was voted out. After I left, the business collapsed.
My personal learning was two fold:
Never create a co-op, always be the boss.
Never work in the food industry again. Getting up at 4am to go to the market and buy fresh ingredients and ending the day at 10pm after cleaning up was not satisfying.
But the main learning was that the social narrative is not something to base one’s believable story on. That there was no work, no money or business opportunities were not true. I had no money so my idea of starting a business to give my family jobs started with very small steps. The first one being research and education on how to run a business, how to get funding, and learning to look for opportunities. Eventually I applied for and got a very small grant. With that grant we bought pots and pans, plates, cutlery, cups and napkins, some business cards, a pamphlet, and “about us” poster. We also made Native jewelry and other crafts, and would place that on a table as part of the marketing campaign and extra income.
We had a lot of fun when we first started. It was an exploration of, and experience of, empowerment. The capacity to step out of the unemployment line and into something we knew how to do as Native People, feeding people, playing music, making jewelry, and for that to pay our rent, food, luxuries and hobbies. It was radical. Yup, we would also be booked to play music at these events.
I was just a kid, so of course I had a lot to learn. But I knew that learning, training was part of the process, so I took as many classes and courses as I could. I also knew that my social discourse and communication skills were minimal, so I took public speaking classes.
My first goal was simple: give myself and my family and friends regular employment. To tell you the truth, I didn’t know why there were so many unemployed people who didn’t do anything to give themselves employment. It seemed like such a simple solution. When I would ask people about it, they would say things such as, “I don’t have any money or skills to sell”, and they didn’t see those as first goals to achieve. Get a skill, get funding. I see this all over the place even today, and not just for starting a business. People tell me right away why they haven’t achieved their goals, they have lots of excuses, but they don’t see that the first step is to get that list of excuses and start fulfilling those items first.
You don’t have a marketable skill? Get educated, get a skill.
You don’t have funding? Learn how to get funded. Then get funded.
Start small, practice over and over again. Don’t open a full blown mall, start with an ad in ebay or craigslists.
Those are just examples to illustrate the path to success. Find your excuses, and make those your first goals.
Another story I like to share is one of a very old friend.
This friend, let’s call him John, was a young adult at the time and was broke. He was on his last legs financially and read an article that talked about how live plants in offices were healthy and increased productivity among other benefits. He went to town and with the last of his money he bought a few plants from a local flower shop. He then walked down the street and into an office building, where he rented the plants out. He came back to the office building to look after the plants every few days. With part of the rent money, he bought more plants and repeated the steps. This went on for weeks, then months, then years. He educated himself about running a business, got business cards, phone, office and eventually employees. When I met him, he was a millionaire, drove a beautiful jaguar and owned his own home. All from a few potted plants.
His story evolved and his fortune came and went, but the reason I share his story is because it started with a tiny investment, a good plan, a good idea and many small steps.
Small steps.
Did he start his business to become a millionaire? I don’t know. I don’t think so. If I remember right, he wanted to get food and pay his rent.
Today I checked him out to see what he was up to after several decades. I saw that he has started and sold multiple businesses since the last time we communicated, which was in 2005, and teaches people how to succeed. One of his basic tenets of success: Start small. How about that?
OK, after stating that learning to succeed is so important for Lightworkers, and giving you the basic starting point of success which is to start with small goals, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of WHY it’s important for you to learn to succeed and its direct connection with Enlightenment.
We are going to explore the following questions as it relates to Success (with a capital S) and Enlightenment (with a capital E): why are we here? Why is it time to succeed? And what is our measure of success?
Basically, as we learn to succeed in the small things, as illustrated above in business, we can then take our learning how to succeed into areas of our lives that matter. Like, for example, embodying our true natures here on Earth, or being Enlightened for humanity’s sake.
Why are we here?
There are many levels to the answer to the question “why are we here?” The principal one is that we are here, in this so-called solid universe, and on what we call “Earth”, to have experiences.
If we bypass many other levels and layers to that question, and zoom into “why are we here reading this article”, then the answer is very simple: Your prime purpose to be here on Earth right now is to embody and express your true frequency (goal number one) and allow the environment to reflect it back to you in the form of experiences of that same frequency (goal number two).
Why is it time to succeed?
Before we go further into the timing of success, let’s revisit the goals for a minute. And this is where the state of “Enlightenment” comes in. This process, and word, fills me with excitement. It is one of the primary reasons I am here, to offer guidance on your journey to enlightenment. But I am getting ahead of myself… again.
Right, let’s look at goal number one: To embody and express your true frequency.
You may or may not know this, but your body and your soul are both very high-frequency expressions of existence. You are, for all purposes, enlightened. However, although you are a high-frequency soul and body, belong to high-frequency collectives, and came here to express your true frequency, you are also in a light/dark paradigm which includes a set of rules of engagement, light and dark experiences, a huge amount of amnesia and very distracting goals and dreams. In other words, there is a thick layer between your true self, your true frequency and your true enlightened state, and the everyday living of your personal life.
Let’s take a look at the word “enlightenment”:
Based on the Vocabulary dictionary on the internet: The word enlightened comes from the Latin prefix en meaning "in, into" and the word lux meaning "light." Combine these meanings — " in- or into the light" — and you're describing what it is that characterizes an enlightened person: a refined sense of clarity and understanding.
The word “buddha” means “enlightened person”, or some people translate it into “the awakened”. In other words, a person that has clarity and understanding of the world around them. There is nothing woowoo about that. Any wooowooness around enlightenment is there to distract, redirect, and lose the goal. It has been equated with states of Samadhi, meditative absorption, or nirvana, ecstasy, etc.. In other words, heightened states of emotional happy feelings. But it actually means a person who is an adult and has mental and perceptual clarity and wisdom. A person who can see past their own and other people’s limitations and programming.
For a while now, I have been seeding a couple of sentences into my articles, books, podcasts and classes. These words are, and many variants of, “what we know of and interpret as the planet Earth”. I am mentioning this here because it is an example of a methodology of seeding reality with expansive concepts of reality. A way to stretch a person past the programming of infantile behavior modern society pushes into them, and they happily and readily integrate into their personalities.
How we see the Earth, at the moment, is very childish. A giant marble “flying” through a “vacuum” of “space”, orbiting another marble, this one made of fire.
When looked at in those words, the whole concept feels childish. If a person goes into deep defense of the present dogma around what Earth and the Sun are, then we know the concept is breaking down inside of themselves. And how much it breaks down depends on how much time, money and personality construct they have invested in the beliefs illustrated above.
If our true and, allegedly, large goal is Enlightenment, then realizing that we don’t live on a blue marble flying through dusty nothingness around a giant ball of fire is a tiny step toward becoming an adult with perpetual clarity and wisdom. A person who can see their own and other people's limitations and programming.
OK, let’s return to The Timing!
It is time to succeed.
Years ago, when I used to do “Oneness Sessions”, in other words sessions that guided the person into their awareness as Oneness, most of the people who came for a session stopped it before they got there.
Part of the instructions during the session were that the person had full control of the session and they could stop it at any time.
After these people stopped it, and the session was over, I would ask them what prompted them to stop before they got to Oneness.
The answers ranged between fear and happiness. Some people had reached a spot where they were extremely happy and wanted to stay there. Others got very afraid, as they got closer to Oneness, that they would stop taking an interest in their present lives, their kids or lovers, work or profession, if they reached Oneness. That their present lives would no longer interest them, or be in any way satisfying.
I took this as data.
What they failed to understand, and even if I explained it they didn’t want to risk it, was that being an adult, having a larger viewpoint than that of a singular self, would enhance their experience of a smaller self, not take away from it.
When I was in school in England, age 12-17, one of my fellow students was a girl who came from a cultural background deeply entrenched in the Midlands. Her family traced their roots to that land for thousands of years. They had traditions that were invisible to modern society, including a celebration of the time a girl becomes a woman.
My friend had “become a woman” and her family celebrated it with a big party and the passing onto her of several items that had belonged to her mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and beyond. Before this happened, we were friends. She was in several of my classes and one of them was advanced mathematics. She was, by all accounts, a mathematical genius. Literally.
After she had her celebration, she dropped the mathematics class and enrolled in more practical classes, such as sewing and cooking. The teacher was devastated and asked me to talk her out of leaving the advanced mathematics class.
I sat with her and asked her why she would make such a move. I told her how she could work for NASA or other big names, and make a ton of money for herself and her family if she pursued a career in mathematics. She listened to me carefully, and nodded. She said she would think about it. A few days later she sat down with me again and told me that no, she would not pursue a career in mathematics because she was a woman now and had to concentrate on real life and not theoretical nonsense. She had to learn skills that would help her, her future children and husband, and extended family. That, that was real, and mathematics was not real.
We decided not to talk about it anymore, but our friendship sizzled out as she pursued practical life skills which were incompatible with our conversations about the world, life and everything. She told me she was done with those childish useless things and basically didn’t have time for people who were into them, like me.
Through our high-school career, I saw her behind the lines training to be a “dinner lady”, a group of women who had a very clear and tightly knitted culture. As I ate my lunch, I would watch her and the dinner ladies interacting in many ways. The elder women were harsh yet kind to her, loving but sharp sometimes, but mostly they were expert professionals in their own world and were introducing her into that world.
At one time, I sat with a different friend, this one was a musician. She played the violin so well that before the music department was dissolved by the government at the time, she had permission to practice her art during break time. Many of the students in the yard, there were 1000 of us, would sit under the music department window to listen to her. It was amazing. Anyway, we sat together eating lunch and she noticed me watching the girl who was a mathematical genius turned dinner lady.
“I don’t understand why she stopped her mathematical studies to become a dinner lady,” the musician said.
“Well, watch her.” I answered.
We watched while we ate.
“Holy crap.”
Mathematics and music are very closely related. At an energy level, they are almost identical. Both are closed systems of language and frequency that are able to be used in the same way. One could even say it is the same language expressed in a two dimensional or three dimensional sensory way.
What my musician friend saw was how the world behind the food line, the world of the dinner ladies, was like a careful and ancient structure that moved to perfect rhythm, or formula.
I then turned to her and said, “working at the school after she gets married and has kids is compatible with her chosen lifestyle. It supports her and her extended family, her future family and keeps her in the land her ancestors have walked on for thousands of years. The alternative, to go off to some University or company across the world, does not.”
“It is like taking a stave out of a score.”
“What does that mean?” I asked, interested.
“Well, it’s not good. It’s like taking a sentence out of a paragraph and expecting it to make sense.”
I nodded.
I can’t really say that I fully understood my friend’s decision to step out of modern world values and keep her ancestry values instead. But what I do understand, now, is that she was acting from a place that was beyond the small self. She was acting from a place that included a larger perspective, a broader sense of self. She was acting from a place of Enlightenment.
Enlightened decisions, and awareness, takes timing into consideration. Once she became an “adult”, at 15, my friend made adult decisions. Decisions that supported her reality, and her “tribe”. The timing was perfect. Had she stayed in the advanced mathematics class, she would have indoctrinated herself with values and lifestyles that were not compatible with her family or the land they lived in.
We need to learn to Succeed at becoming Enlightened, today. Not next year, not when “we grow up”, not when we are done with drama and conflict, not when the world “enters the 5th dimension”. And by “we” I mean you and me. I don’t mean the entire world, what we know as “Earth”, what we know as “people”. I literally mean you, who are reading this essay, and “me”, the person writing it.
How do I know it is time? How did my friend know it was time to drop toys such as “mathematics” and become an adult? Because there is a massive pull inside us, sometimes this pull is supported by our society and sometimes it is not, but there it is, a massive pull to grow up and step into adulthood.
As I perceive and see things somewhat differently to other people on Earth, I have seen that it is time for us to become enlightened. But, of course, we need to break this big goal into smaller steps that set us up for success.
What is our measure of success?
In my story above, the one about my friend who became a dinner lady, success was measured differently by different people. Some of the teachers, myself at the time and my musician friend, felt she had succeeded in a big way. For most of the other kids in the school, and many of the teachers, she had lost not only her mind, but a career that would bring her a lot of wealth and prestige. I did swing between the two views over the years. At times I felt that she had succeeded big time, and others that she had fallen for a small game and that her family programming had truncated her true growth and capacities.
Just like that story illustrates, the measure of success in us becoming Enlightened is a very personal thing. To be able to measure it, though, we need a clear and achievable set of smaller goals that will ultimately result in our enlightened state.
Here is a list of suggested goals for you to achieve. Of course, this list is not written in stone, it is open to editing and expansion.
Define, in your own words, what Enlightenment means to you. My suggested definition is: An expanded awareness. A refined sense of clarity and knowing.
Define a strong “why” you want to achieve this. Maybe this article can guide you through. An example could be, “I’m ready for a much bigger game”
Make a list of why you cannot or do not have that expanded awareness and refined sense of clarity and understanding right now. For example, “I don’t know what enlightenment feels like.”
Create goals that address the reasons why you cannot or do not have that awareness. An example could be, “find, buy and read 5 books written from an enlightened perspective.”
Set up actions that address and achieve those goals, and deal with them one by one. For example, “buy the books. Make time to read the books. Read the books.”
Edit and alter the list of goals as you move forward.
Set yourself up for success by creating a group of allies and good counsel around you.
Find your tribe. Here’s ours: SubscribeStar or WalkWithMeNow.
Now you know why it is important for us (lightworkers) to succeed right now, and how to do it.
Please share this essay as widely as you can. Use the “Refer a friend” or “Share” buttons below, and get a personal card reading from Larry and me. Make us an active part of your good counsel. Let’s do this!
If you prefer to listen to us in podcast format here is where you can find us: Podcast: WooForThought
Group of lightworkers commonly perceive themselves as siblings (each unique but equal to any other). Some ripple effect of our intent and proper focus (fresh baby step of success) in the video.