My first memory of my Guild was me wearing the little gray uniform given to kids who are not classifiable.
The big lady was looking intently at me, frowning. “There is no biting. Rosie, look at me. We do not bite. Do you understand?”
I was a wild child.
“He pushed me.”
“Did he, now? I will have words with him too. But, if someone upsets you again, you come to me. No biting. OK?”
I looked at her, I felt into her mind, and saw that her thoughts were saying, “she is such a tiny little cutie pie. I wonder how long I can keep this frown. She’s also tough as nails, which is good. If she gives me puppy eyes, I won’t be able to tell her off.”
Of course, her thoughts were not words, they were images and feelings. So I saw the perfect instructions on how to stop her being mad at me.
My head tipped down a little bit, my eyes got very big as I looked at her, my lips trembled a little bit and a tiny drops of water welled in my eyes.
It was over.
What does that story have to do with timelines? Well, it didn’t happen in this one. It happened in a different timeline where I grew up and lived in for about fifty years.
Before I describe the circumstances of my timeline change, I want to mention that it was interesting to me that in this current timeline there are many movies that depict the guild concept and how children are placed in them, and the fear and nastiness around kids that cannot be “classified” to fit in a box.
I did think about writing this as a Woo For Thought Essay, as it is a long story. But I am dedicating that platform to Enlightenment for the next few publications and I want to bring timelines back into our awareness now, not in the future.
OK, first let’s look at the circumstances of my timeline change.
We all have memories of what happened to us as children. Often, though, our memories are in conflict with those of other people who we shared those years with. The Mandela Effect is something that is now broadly known in the world, and is evidence that depicts the remembrance of a change in a collective timeline.
As a kid, in this timeline, I did have full awareness of timeline changes both at a collective level and as a singular level. Sometimes a person would pop in from a different timeline and everyone remembered them as having always been in this one. And sometimes a person would vanish from this one and no one remembered them having ever existed.
Another aspect was the shocking difference in memories, sometimes from week to week, between people. And, yes, sometimes a person would have green eyes and the next week their eyes would be brown, or blue or vice versa. But again, most everyone would remember them as always having had the same color eyes, or at best, wondering why they had never really noticed their eye color before.
I want us to ponder timelines because it now appears like this split is going to be experienced as a timeline divergence. I say “appears” because I have not felt that this was a timeline divergence in the past, but that the split was going to happen in this one single timeline we are in together now.
OK, back to the story of my own jump in timelines. In 2016, I think it was, I was traveling back from CA, USA, to WA, USA. Larry picked me up at an airport I think, and we were on our last 5 hour drive home. At some point, in the trip I felt a wave hit me. Then I opened my eyes and I did not recognize anything around me. The first thought was that perhaps I had had a stroke. But I could speak, function in all ways. As my disorientation cleared, I looked around and found myself on a land vehicle (known as a car) with two strangers. One man driving and a teenage child in the back seat.
I quickly scanned my memories to see if I could figure out what was happening. I saw many memories accessible to me that “were not mine as Rosie”. Fifty years of them, in fact.
I was both shocked and fascinated by these unreal memories. I looked at my body and found it to be different. She was small, weak, sickly, injured and very, very aged. The man was Larry, and the child was his youngest daughter but at the time I didn’t know their names or who they were. As the hours went by, I told Larry what had happened. To me he was a total stranger. The next few days I had trouble eating the so-called “food” in this timeline, and tried to replicate the nourishing and live food from the other timeline. I did not succeed.
Today, it is the memories from that other timeline that I consider not quite real. Since then, I have met some people who I recognised from that other timeline, including the lady who told me not to bite. She is much younger than me in this timeline. I am still not used to cars, roads, and the light/dark paradigm here, and still have strong experiential telepathy connections with my other timeline whenever I can’t find answers in this one, or feel homesick.
My class “Mining Timelines” was created before my personal experience of changing timelines, and it teaches how to have experiential experiences in other timelines and bringing back the wisdoms we have learned there back to this timeline. In this class I do mention how some people have physically changed timelines and remember about the previous one. But I did not have personal experience of it. Now I do.
On our podcast, we will be exploring the timeline I consider myself to be from, as well as timelines in general. In particular, I want to explore what happened in the weeks, months and years after my jump. As well as what I think are the mechanics that allow a person to do so, and why often the person doesn’t remember it happening. I also want to explore the feeling that our split in reality is slowly moving us into two timelines. Which is different to jumping timelines. Make sure to listen to the full episode, first and second parts, of this podcast as this conversation is foundationally important to our near future experiences.
i'm wondering if alternate timelines are really "real" compared to this one, the one sustained by Gaia and connected to the web of Life Force running through the time and energy portals of the Universes ? Could it be that we are being conned into believing that there are alternate timelines as real as the one we are 'supposed' to be on ? Conned, by those who want to make them real (for us at least), for their own purposes. This would be to have us live in a false matrix reality (an illusion) -- and then, i. e. just feed them life energy -- as described in The Matrix movies, while believing we are living real lives by our free will choices. The Voyagers books say that the Phantom Matrix is a distinct possibility and that through a forced soul matrix transplant we could start to live in the Phantom Matrix more and more.
Also when i saw the 2 pictures side by side at the top of your article, i immediately flashed on to the Future Earth timelines Al Bielek of the Philadelphia and Montauk Experiments fame, visited when he and his brother were sent into hyperspace after jumping off the ship in 1943 and first both winding up in a hospital in one Future Earth, and then Al went by himself farther into the future. At the 2nd Future Earth, Al spent about a year in their society which seemed evolved, yet everything was run by an AI, one which had been created by Wingmakers -- about which there is another independent story itself, and which i also question the authenticity of. Anyway the relation to your split image picture on the left relates to what i've described above -- this enlightened society run by AI, which actually seems similar to the one the WEF and all the other alphabets are trying to create on Earth now with very tall vertical buildings and everything you need w/in 15 mins. of where you live. But in Bielek's 2nd alternate future, there were those who didn't comply with any of this -- and they lived away from society and its technological amenities -- which brings up the association to your other pic on the right -- of a way of life stuck back in time, yet still in touch with Nature.
But a hyperspace link was established between the Philadelphia Experiment and the later Montauk Experiment, which Al's brother, Duncan Cameron (it's complicated but i believe it could be true), believed was made by the Zetas so they could gain access to the planet past the energetic quarantine barrier around Earth created by the 2 van Allen belts to keep negative alien intruders like the Zeta, out. This information is also confirmed by Voyagers.
Anyway the crux of this all -- is that that these future Earths and the timelines they are on, were not natural, but created by the Zetas to further their plans of taking over the planet. Conning humans to create the reality of such a future Earth, gave them rights to the planet, because in that future Earth, (one some time farther in the future i believe than where Bielek went to), humans become the Zeta -- so since they 'are us in the future,' they can own Earth now.
All the details of this are in Bielek's lengthy presentations which were on YouTube but which were removed during the plandemic i believe, plus the books on the 2 experiments which are available through Sky Books, and also the CD (which i just ordered since i came upon it again) which will hopefully have all of the relevant material about this amazing story on it:
Some of the videos of Al Bielek and the others may still be on YouTube, here is one: See in the comments below the video, my theroy (i'm wisehealing) about why the later operators of the Montauk Experiment kept sending volunteers into a future which is devoid of life after a (nuclear?) catastrophe, to a point where there is a statue of a horse (perhaps the one at the Denver Airport). These volunteers are just told to look at it intently before they are sent back. Why -- to make that timeline stick (see my comment below the video).
So my point is that none of these futures and the timelines they are on, are real, only that they can be made real by our belief in them and through our creative visualization of them, since we are conscious creator beings able to bring timelines into life.
The other story that's very similar to the one described above is that of Philip K. Dick a prolific scifi author, who said these alternate timelines he was able to key into and which he then wrote out as novels -- where "partially actualized realities" A number of his books were made into big budget Hollywood movies or series i. e.: Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, Terminator and The Man in the High Castle. Due to his untimely death and earlier legal issues around rights, neither Dick nor his estate actually received any royalties from these movies. i think Dick was used in order to gain access to these potential futures which he had the ability to glimpse and bring back, and having them viewed and virtually experienced by millions of people is a way of fixing these futures into our reality's timeline.
i think we're being conned by the concept of the Mandela Effect which claims alternate timelines are all equal to the natural one, but that actually these alternate timelines are only as real as people have made them to be -- for themselves and subsequently for others going to them -- ultimately to the detriment of the intended evolution of our planet and ourselves as conscious creator beings, here to further the natural evolutionary process of time, energy and life along Universal protocols.