I was moaning and complaining to Larry in the truck as we were driving home about how it feels like my entire role as wisdom keeper for the Human Collective seemed to be a complete and utter failure.
It simply did not add up to me how, after years of articles, classes, novels, books and podcasts, the people of Earth were still heavily indulging in drama, ‘chicken scratches’, and the victim/aggressor cycle. And how we are still getting affected by the negative side of the split in consciousness presently happening on Earth.
Even among my strongest students, some items are still bogging them down. And even Larry himself, who has lived and worked with me for over ten years now, falls into egoic trippings and negative, low frequency reactions on very rare occasions. There’s always a good excuse, of course.
And, it may not have escaped your attention that even I fall for low-frequency bs. My reactions on that drive home being an excellent example of indulging in low-frequency and useless mental and emotional dialogue - my excuse “I was running a fever”.
As we got home, I dropped all the bs, became clear in energy, mind and body, went upstairs and continued working on the 12 power objects that I am preparing for gifting to my student wisdom keepers and seekers who live nearby and who will be spending Christmas Day with me.
Christmas Day itself, of course, is filled with reaction too. A celebration merged from various traditions and woven into Catholic, Christian, even commercial tales of victim/aggressor cycles. Yikes.
However, for me it is a day on the cusp of the return of light in the northern hemisphere, and the return of darkness in the southern hemisphere. It is an edge.
In this edge, we can place the energies of gratitude, celebration, giving and receiving. We celebrate our loved ones and are able to watch and enjoy other people’s faces as they open the presents you carefully chose for them. And also enjoy the presents you receive from them.
Back to the power objects. These objects are made with a clear and pure energy of intent. And although the energy that came in for them is the “journey of enlightenment”, they are also generic. Meaning that the owner can program them. Traditionally, I have created a power object for the wisdom keepers and seekers who chose to live near me for the past few years now.
Where do I get the information of what to make? And what do I do with the information?
The art of power object making was passed down to me by three personal lineages of wisdom keepers. One is Gypsy, from my maternal grandmother, one is alchemist, from my paternal grandfather, and one is Mapuche, from two Machis. In other words, the information I receive for the creation of power objects comes from ancestral lineages. I get them from my ancestors. They guide, discuss and advise what materials, energies and intents to use on the objects.
I can choose to ignore it all, and watch television instead, or I can sit at my art desk and create the objects. Or I can choose to bring them to fruition and create objects that are filled with power.
That is one example of the way I get information and what I do with it.
Another way I receive information is when a person asks me an interesting question. And that is why I enjoy the company of wisdom keepers and seekers. A person will ask a question that interests me, something I don’t know about, and I will drop into that energy like and swim the threads of information gathered by the human collective, Earth, and the Universe.
What I do with that information is to create classes, workshops, articles, novels, books and other ways that are also traditional within my lineages.
But… and this is a big BUT, if I get attached to results, in other words if I become invested in what that information or wisdom does, or how it affects others, then it all falls apart.
It is not for me to dictate what happens with the information or objects once I release them to the world. That is entirely up to you.
From one wisdom keeper and seeker to another, GREETINGS.
We will be discussing more about the information that is available for us, and what to do with it, in our podcast Driving To The Rez. Listen in, subscribe to the second hour and join the dialogue.
P.S. If you are interested in power objects, I do teach the art of making power objects on an online self-paced workshop which you can buy here. It contains the wisdoms from my three lineages, the warnings and the skills around making pristine power objects.
Watch the video podcast: Where I get my information - and what I do with it