1 Comment
May 29·edited May 30

Synchronicities are like invitations to a party. But are they for one we are invited to, or for one that we are hosting ourselves ?

What kind of party is it ? A cosmic costume party, or maybe even an Earth Day celebration ?

Who else is coming to this party ? Will it be someone unexpected ? Or should we write our invitations carefully, so as to make sure no uninvited guests arrive ?

Maybe the party is really a wake -- for someone we knew, or maybe for ourselves too, since NDEs are all the rage right now.

Maybe the party is more like an affair you can check yourself out from anytime you like -- but one you can never leave.

Where you tell your guests as they are departing, "So happy you came. Have a lovely journey there, and back again. And bring a friend next time, or someone you may just pick up along the way. The more the merrier, here inside the zetatrix !"

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