i agree that Angels will never offer to help you. In fact, they cannot even do that due to their inherent nature, since they have given up their personal will in order to only be in service to the Light and beings of the Light. However that brings up the question of whether they would provide their help to a Dark being if one asked them for help ? This reminds me of your story about hanging out with the very Dark person, who in the end asked for clemency and was beatified through a huge energy exchange, into a Light being. i suppose this is a special circumstance -- when a Dark being asks for help to 'switch sides.' Of course it seems obvious that it would also work the other way around too -- someone wanting to become a Dark being would have no problem getting that request fulfilled either. But there is always an energy exchange involved in this transition, i.e. someone going to the Dark side would get a hell of a lot of damn good stuff, before they had to pay up with their soul for the rest of time.
But i'm wondering if getting assistance from an Angel would even be possible in putting you deeper into the Victim/Aggressor/Martyr/Saviour paradigm ? My understanding of how this paradigm works is that there is always a balancing of energies when it is in play -- when changing sides going from Light to Dark and vice versa; but also in the smaller transaction between the Aggressor and the Victim; between the Saviour and the Saved; and even between the Martyr and 'the renounced' (A true Martyr is giving up a relationship with someone or something of Earthly value, and expects some kind of payoff, i.e. life in Paradise, revenge on someone, making themselves into a symbol for a cause; otherwise they would be considered a Hermit (or a Recluse if they are wealthy and/or a celebrity, i.e. since they are wealthy and/or a celebrity they are considered by society to not need anything ever from society (and thus there would be no energy exchange) (which is probably not the case (that they don't need help), but it's how this dynamic operates)).
So my point is that this kind of 'fall back down into the old paradigm' cannot possibly happen w/o an energy exchange with a reciprocal party, i.e. it cannot happen in the case of a person asking for help from an Angel, because Angels are not part of that paradigm and no energy is ever exchanged. This is why humans, not Angels nor any other higher beings, can only perform the function of a 'beatification.'
i know a lot of people who call in Archangel Michael when they feel threatened. Also people who are rescue mediums call in Angels after they have obtained the agreement of the deceased human spirit who had been stuck, to move on into the Light. The human spirit can see the Angels and they take them over the threshold into the Light. The way some people like this relate to Angels is as immediate helpers -- express a need for a child Angel to assist a spirit they know would be intimidated by an adult Angel -- and immediately the child Angel appears to provide the requested assistance. There is no time delay. It's like 'speaking in Angels.'
Of course even though you can ask for help from an Angel at any time, if one offered help w/o you asking -- it should immediately raise a red flag that it is a fake Angel and you are in danger of getting caught in dilemma you may find it very hard to get out of. You could also consider calling in Archangel Michael to help sort it -- but do that BEFORE you accept any help from the first party.
i agree that Angels will never offer to help you. In fact, they cannot even do that due to their inherent nature, since they have given up their personal will in order to only be in service to the Light and beings of the Light. However that brings up the question of whether they would provide their help to a Dark being if one asked them for help ? This reminds me of your story about hanging out with the very Dark person, who in the end asked for clemency and was beatified through a huge energy exchange, into a Light being. i suppose this is a special circumstance -- when a Dark being asks for help to 'switch sides.' Of course it seems obvious that it would also work the other way around too -- someone wanting to become a Dark being would have no problem getting that request fulfilled either. But there is always an energy exchange involved in this transition, i.e. someone going to the Dark side would get a hell of a lot of damn good stuff, before they had to pay up with their soul for the rest of time.
But i'm wondering if getting assistance from an Angel would even be possible in putting you deeper into the Victim/Aggressor/Martyr/Saviour paradigm ? My understanding of how this paradigm works is that there is always a balancing of energies when it is in play -- when changing sides going from Light to Dark and vice versa; but also in the smaller transaction between the Aggressor and the Victim; between the Saviour and the Saved; and even between the Martyr and 'the renounced' (A true Martyr is giving up a relationship with someone or something of Earthly value, and expects some kind of payoff, i.e. life in Paradise, revenge on someone, making themselves into a symbol for a cause; otherwise they would be considered a Hermit (or a Recluse if they are wealthy and/or a celebrity, i.e. since they are wealthy and/or a celebrity they are considered by society to not need anything ever from society (and thus there would be no energy exchange) (which is probably not the case (that they don't need help), but it's how this dynamic operates)).
So my point is that this kind of 'fall back down into the old paradigm' cannot possibly happen w/o an energy exchange with a reciprocal party, i.e. it cannot happen in the case of a person asking for help from an Angel, because Angels are not part of that paradigm and no energy is ever exchanged. This is why humans, not Angels nor any other higher beings, can only perform the function of a 'beatification.'
i know a lot of people who call in Archangel Michael when they feel threatened. Also people who are rescue mediums call in Angels after they have obtained the agreement of the deceased human spirit who had been stuck, to move on into the Light. The human spirit can see the Angels and they take them over the threshold into the Light. The way some people like this relate to Angels is as immediate helpers -- express a need for a child Angel to assist a spirit they know would be intimidated by an adult Angel -- and immediately the child Angel appears to provide the requested assistance. There is no time delay. It's like 'speaking in Angels.'
Of course even though you can ask for help from an Angel at any time, if one offered help w/o you asking -- it should immediately raise a red flag that it is a fake Angel and you are in danger of getting caught in dilemma you may find it very hard to get out of. You could also consider calling in Archangel Michael to help sort it -- but do that BEFORE you accept any help from the first party.