
Thank-you, Inelia.

The first thing I noticed before I even read the essay was that it was written on the day of the FULL MOON, - the LIGHT - in the DARK of the night.

You also mentioned the jab during the pandemic period. Here in Australia I managed to avoid and circumvent ALL the associated BS by using the government’s own data re proper procedures plus a few of my own “inventions”. They had no alternative but to comply with what I presented to them. I was not subjected to their imposed mandates.

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This is a message of hope (not just for lecturians-theoreticians-sages):

“The wounds of the spirit heal and leave no scars behind; it is not the deed which is imperishable, but rather the deed is repossessed by spirit into itself; the aspect of singular individuality, whether present in the deed as intention or as existing negativity and limitation to the deed is what immediately vanishes.”

Source: The Phenomenology of Spirit (Original: Phänomenologie des Geistes) by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1807

So, just consider allowing the inner light to un-blind and heal (transform, transmute, transcend…). And, indeed, stay mindful.

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