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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

All the activity on the UAP issue, definitely feels like a set up for something big. i agree that it could be that an agreement was made (among 'the sides') that there was to be disclosure . . . before something else happened. So what is that something else ? But of course as is the case with anything the Big POOs on this planet doos -- they elaborately set up and pre-condition us so that it will spin it exactly the way they want it to be perceived, before it does happen.

i didn't initially know what the "Havana Syndrome" was, but in reading the page on it in Wikipedia i realized that i was aware of the facts about the inconclusive attacks on US embassy personnel in Cuba with apparent 'beamed energy' technology, however it must have been named the Havana Syndrome later. It's interesting that it was 'sandwiched' into a narrative about alien tech and disclosure. To me the Havana Syndrome is obviously a psyop -- not what was causing the gov't and intelligence people health issues, but the way the term Havana Syndrome has been created to sit in people's minds. Just reading the wiki page on it -- the whole story comes across as so made up and so deliberately 'inconclusive.' When has the government ever put out such a mishmash of inconclusivity about a major international incident like that before ? if they truly don't know what is behind something -- they make something up to project authority and decisiveness and they also spin a narrative around it to their advantage i.e. 'never let a crisis opportunity go to waste.' So obviously the Havana Syndrome was spun to reflect 'attack with no identifiable source' plus 'don't expect any help from us.' i.e. "The [State Department] told anyone who experienced 'unusual acute auditory or sensory phenomena accompanied by unusual sounds or piercing noises' to 'not attempt to locate their source." [Wikipedia]. Maybe the actual events were not orchestrated just to coin this term, but they obviously spun the narrative around the events, for the term to package that significance and to come into common parlance. Now they can just let slip "Havana Syndrome" and out spills its packed significance of 'attack with no identifiable source and don't expect help from the authorities."

They seem to be doing that a lot lately -- creating potent new terms in the common vocab. Even "UAP" is quite different than "UFO." i was also sent this https://psycho-tests.com/blog/overton-window-what-it-is-and-why-it-is-dangerous about the "Overton Window" which is an obvious Psyop due to the way they have co-opted the Overton Window's real meaning https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window i don't know if this new take on the term has entered into common vocab yet, but there seems to be a Psyop effort to bring it in with a significance of: lock-stepping, incremental measures forcing people to accept what is universally unconscionable.

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