The book I am working on at the moment, The Planet of Entry, is the third of The Return series of sci-fi books written to deliver knowledge about how our Universe works in an accessible and entertaining way
For this third book, one of the main themes is how to lock in a timeline that delivers to us the experience we are collectively after.
We could think of timelines as projections of possible futures (and as it happens, also possible pasts).
In my book, one of the main characters, an AI called 223, is stuck in a timeline loop. Forever going back into the past and watching as his co-protagonists make different choices, sending him back again until a choice is made that locks him firmly into one particular timeline. We hope he has locked into the successful one where our heroes win the day.
After the first draft of Planet of Entry was finished, which you can read on the forum at, Larry and I noticed that several of the tv shows we started watching were about "fixing the timeline to what it should be" after someone messed it up either accidentally or on purpose, by traveling into the past.
Then, one day as we were driving to the Rez we were listening to a podcaster that we haven’t heard before, Julian Dorey. Although he is a comedian, in this interview he was talking with a man called Ron James1. During their exploration of reality, they talked about how scientists had discovered that plants went into a state of quantum superposition during photosynthesis.
My ears perked up immediately and I told Larry, “oh my god. He just explained in a few words what I took a whole novel to explain.”
I am not a physicist so don’t use the terminology the same way as a scientist would but I get the general idea of what “quantum” means in their lexicon.
The definition of “quantum” that I knew is the one I found on an internet dictionary:
“Quantum is the smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation.”
What I have heard people talking about when they use the word “quantum”, is wrapped up in parallel universes and multiple timelines. Which I find to be much more interesting. But this essay is not an exploration or discussion about quantum physics, so let’s proceed with the story.
This is what the interviewee, Ron James, said:
“What they found [scientists] was that this plant was collapsing into a quantum state, where it sent the photon on all possible routes through the plant, then collapsed back into the physical reality and took the most logical route. Basically what it’s doing is it’s sidestepping the laws of physics going into a quantum state outside the laws of physics to determine its best possible way of executing the task within physical reality.”
When I looked at the papers where quantum photosynthesis was discussed, it seemed that some theorists pointed to quantum mechanics and imaginary time. The superposition (instead of solid position and nature - What Ron calls physical reality) of the photon traveling through the plant. Superposition being a possible state of multiple natures rather than one and multiple places rather than just one.
He mentions that he is not a physicist and it appears to me that he is using the word “Quantum” in the form of multiple dimensions and timelines. But when looking at his statement and the conclusions of the scientists that were trying to figure out how a plant picks the most efficient route for a photon to travel in, his explanation is as good as any.
In fact, it is better than most.
You see, it’s hard to explain the nature of physicality. Many do explain it quite accurately using vocabulary borrowed from different schools of thought but then those schools of thought get mad at their words being used incorrectly. I have seen this a lot when it comes to spiritual or consciousness explorers and teachers using words from quantum physics. A lot of physicist get super mad and start labeling those discussions “pseudo science” and such like.
Sometimes, though, like the quantum photosynthesis explorations in plants for example, the results leads us straight into how the macro world works. That a plant would step out of time and space and allow the photon to travel all routes at the same time, then going back to time-space having locked in the most efficient route (choosing the most efficient route for the photo to travel on) actually explains how we do life on this physical reality very, very well.
One thing to take into consideration is that although the plant may have stepped out of “reality” in order to take the photon on all possible routes, it stays a plant and the photon stays a photon. In other words, the singularity of each persists outside of “reality”, and they interact with each other within that dynamic of plant and photon even though they no longer are in the agreed upon “reality” of time and space where they “solidly” exist as plant and photon.
In the book, The Planet of Entry, the AI character is outside of linear time, trying the different paths into the future, but for the reader, and it’s co-protagonists, it is doing this over and over in linear times that are parallel to each other until one timeline locks and all the others vanish for him (and us the readers).
Of course we hope that the final decision that locks the timeline in the book by someone with huge influence over the experience of many others takes all of them into a happy and bright future.
But locking the most positive timeline and traveling happily into the future is not the case for every one of us here, the people of Earth. However, it is something that many of us, who are reading this essay, need to know how to do and start doing it.
Many of us here know when something is amiss with our reality. Many knew from the get go, from when they were kids, that “there was something wrong with life and the world here.”
This “knowing” doesn’t seem to be something the general population has or is aware of. However, we can look at our present timeline and think, "does this timeline feel right?" We look at it from the perspective of all the choices we have made in our lives and can get a really good idea of whether we are on the “right” track or not.
When we meld into the present time, we can test for timeline “off things”. And yes, we can fix those. And by “off things” I don’t mean falling into a belief that "this timeline doesn’t feel right, because I don't have a Ferrari in the garage", when in fact we never did anything to get the type of income that allows for a Ferrari and the garage to put it in.
It is more in that the nature of our reality, our society or life, has gone awry somehow.
Often lightworkers will go off track after they meet someone influential, like what they might call a twin-flame or soulmate, teacher or authority, and their goals, inspirations and plans go out the window.
Lightworkers losing track of why they are here, and going off in other pursuits instead is part of the nature of our reality. We came in knowing that we would lose our awareness of self and mission. Knowing that there was a strong possibility that we would lose our way. And as soon as we landed, we were bombarded with alternatives.
One of the things that most lightworkers are not aware of is that individuals within the human collective are naturally led by authority. Because we are a high-frequency species, the authority would in a natural setting be good, nourishing, inspiring and would lead us into life asserting, positive experiences in life and in the world.
However, the world has been in a light/dark paradigm for a long time. A light/dark paradigm means we experience unnatural states here on Earth, we experience darkness. We are not victims to this choice of experiencing darkness in our life. We knew coming in that this world and the people and other species on it had chosen to have a dual experience of light and dark. Therefore, experiencing darkness in itself is not in a “wrong timeline”.
It is also true that we were born here at this time and space to put an end to the light/dark paradigm and to bring us, humans and other species on Earth, back to our natural state of “light”. Yes, to lock in that light timeline.
The natural tendency to be influenced by authority is highly exploited by those individuals who do not want the light/dark paradigm to end. And they can influence the population into choosing darkness, in other words they can influence the population to lock into experiences of fear, war, conflict, torture, abuse, enslavement, exploitation, suffering, etc..
How does that work? How does an external influence have the ability to lock a timeline for a person that they would not have otherwise chosen?
The methodology on how to carry it out is complex. It involves keeping the masses in a voluntary infantile state so they will naturally give their authority away. It also involves controlling the perception and narrative of reality at a mass and global scale.
People, the people, come from a place of trust because, naturally, our species would be led by groups and individuals who are inclined to care for humanity, and who want the best and most positive experiences for their fellows. Most people would find it shocking to know that a majority of authorities, whether government, health, education, etc., are guiding the masses to harm themselves and others. The timeline, those people we have placed in authority, want to lock in place is one that promotes darkness, and the individuals care only to control and exploit others and the environment in order to rise to power over others.
To lock another person’s experience requires that person’s free will choice. Ultimately it is the person who has to make the choice for their lives. They agree to allow another to choose for them, which is in a roundabout way them exerting their personal choice, only it's not done from a conscious or life supporting place. This is necessary when a person wants to have dark experiences as they naturally would not choose low-frequency choices for themselves. The only way to have those is to create a complex and entangled mess of choices where they close their eyes and let a dark being lead them.
That's how you know when the timeline is wobbly. Nonsense is sold as sensible. Fear is sold as necessary for your own good. Death is sold as life, and pain is sold as salvation.
And then we come into the complexity of how a person makes choices from before birth, throughout their lives and into death. Most of my tools and the information I share with you are designed to bring conscious awareness of choice into people’s lives. Ways in which a person can open their eyes and see where they have given their authorship of narrative to another person, and then take it back.
How a timeline is locked for billions of people is a matter of a critical mass of those people choosing one particular outcome. That outcome, then, is experienced differently by different people. For example, let’s say there was a war. The war is agreed upon by all the participants, but some of them might get very rich while others might die in the battlefield or at home having been shot or bombed out of existence.
Same decision, different outcomes.
One might think, “why would anyone want to experience dying or being maimed or tortured in a war?” And that’s when we remember that our species on Earth decided to have dark experiences.
Darkworker “influencers” and the media at large, are ultimately attempting to lock the timelines for their sole benefit. What they perceive as being a benefit is a place where fear is used to control the masses. A place where the masses need to be controlled in order to be exploited and the energy they generate through fear keeps dark forces on our shared reality. They narrow the possible outcomes to low-frequency ones by giving obvious but dark choices, in people's minds and lives, of what’s possible and real.
At this time on Earth, we need to become cognisant of the workings of decisions and how they influence our experiences. We need to become aware that the reason we have felt that there is something very wrong with this timeline is because we are here to fix it.
Going back to the example of the plant and the photon, and how it relates to both the people who want to generate dark experiences on Earth, and us. Let’s just say that at a mechanical level, the people in power over others are the plant and the population is the photon. They have seen, through analysis and mystical means, and tried many paths to their goal of keeping darkness on Earth. They are now doing their best to lock the human collective into the most efficient path to keeping darkness going.
But why now? And why do they have to do so much work to get it accomplished? It most certainly is not the path of least resistance. And how come you are learning of their mechanisations and how to counteract them?
Let’s remember that we are experiencing a split in reality. On the one hand there are the billions of people who chose to continue having both light and dark experiences on Earth. And on the other hand there is us. Not only us who know that fear and exploitation are unnatural, but also us who are here to put the human collective on Earth back on track to a natural and expansive reality.
We might think, how can little me influence the world in any way, when there are billions of people choosing darkness?
Let’s go back to the word “quantum” and why so many people think it’s about timelines and multiple universes.
You see, physicists have discovered that when looking at reality in its smallest possible expression, the quantum measured expression, none of the accepted macro rules of reality apply. A photon may be here, or there, influence a photon on the other side of the Universe, or not be a photon at all but a wave, or become multiple things, not just a photon, for a time or forever. And they also discovered that at this tiny level of measurement it was actually quite hard to measure the thing. It seemed to change just by trying to measure it, or even looking at it.
All this weirdness in quantum physics was spoken about and people, clever people, immediately saw the parallel in quantum physics and the experience of life in a physical Universe where awareness, consciousness and choices are made.
So, how do we, the photon in the story, tell the plant what path to choose for our experience of life here on Earth?
Lightworkers have a very good sense of direction. When a timeline goes off, we know it. We can resist the temptation to fall into the fear and fear narratives which are being used to lead the masses into dark experiences. Not only that, but by not falling for it, we provide new paths to other experiences. We influence everyone else who has felt that there is something wrong with our reality and combined we start finding a path to our natural state of light and the awareness and expansion this provides.
Influencers on the planet are unable to lock a timeline into dark experiences, so they do the next possible thing, which is to convince billions of people to think that dark experiences are inevitable, unavoidable and actually beneficial. But don’t forget that those billions of people have chosen and agreed to have those dark experiences to begin with. They have chosen to “please, be led down the dark path of fear and control”.
Many lightworkers fall for those narratives too, most often from a place of trust and compassion, and innocence. But eventually they see the truth and then can inform themselves on how to get back on the right track. They say wait…. Ummm, no, this isn’t the way.
Feel into your timeline, at this moment, for this day, and ask yourself, “was I true to myself today? Or did I fall for fear, anger, stupidity in my interactions with myself and others?”
Ultimately, that’s how we navigate and lock the most efficient path to a reality that is fear free, war free, torture free and exploitation free. We scan ourselves and our choices on a day to day basis, on a quantum basis, and consciously perceive where we are leading ourselves.
The more of us who do this, the easier it becomes for all of us.
Start today.
The book I am writing, The Planet of Entry, has one person lock the timeline of the Universe. How she did that is through “influence”, a given, agreed upon, established, and respected influence. Did others lock different timelines in that fictional reality? Yes, but we will never hear about it because our protagonists will not experience those timelines.
Don’t be influenced by false authorities that take you down narratives that are unnatural and false. Take back your authority and use it for your benefit and the benefit of the human collective on Earth. Be aware of the narrative you create and choose on a moment to moment basis, at a quantum level. Be aware of who you allow yourself to be influenced by and make sure their narratives are liberating and fear free.
Julian Dorey Podcast - Secret Pentagon Insiders Fear UFOs are Biblical Demons | Ron James • 151
Wow, great article and insights. It's nice to hear an independent description of what many of us have experienced, knowing something is "very off" in this world from very early ages. Heartening discussion to help us reframe our life in the face of what appears to be a doom loop approaching.
Quite an interesting article touching the essential topic of how we can influence the creation of now. However, one thing I can´t figure out is how this affect the timeline(s) within the split. Will it still be the one and the same timeline for all humans to co-exist in, but with a different perception of the experiences based on the level of love/fear (frequency) each real human has?
Only the true masters of living in the now will thrive after 2030 in a scenario like that, Masters of Mind, surviving by living on light in small high frequency communities, watching the comets crash into the planet in the final divine reset, where a small group of remaining light beings prepare mother earth for another go at hosting a new civilization of humans from scratch. Again.
Just a hypotetical scenario. Perhaps. Any other thoughts?