The fact that you are reading this means that you are an awakened individual. You can see more than other people can see. Not only that, but you are keen and active in improving your life and the life of our societies.
Many people in our position have gone through life separating out our interests in topics that are considered “fringe” or “too spiritual” from our daily jobs and life. We have become experts at fracturing our minds and identities. We have the ‘work me’ the ‘family me’ the ‘woo me’ the ‘real me’, and many other ‘me’.
This article should be an essay, really, as this topic is very large. Because the writing format is short, I want to concentrate on one of the ways in which we often fracture our minds and identities as we move through life. We will have expanded discussions around it and share more examples on our podcast “Driving to the Rez”, particularly in the second half with our panel of experts. The second part of our podcast is how we thank our sponsors and patrons and you can find it in the sponsor section here.
Anyway, back to our exploration of Mind and Identity Fracturing. As is traditional with my people, I will share the ways in which we do this with a story:
A Mystic in the Computer Code
Most people are familiar with what computer code looks like. It appears in movies a lot and it looks like dozens of numbered lines on a screen. Each line is a command that moves electricity this way and that. It turns things on and it turns things off.
For example, when you click a button on your device’s screen, it sends you somewhere. That button was created with code, and it “listens” for the code that tells it it was pressed, then sends you to where it is coded to send you.
We are also very familiar with what “coders” look like. The “geek” at school, or in movies the attractive and cool rebellious hacker. The reality is that most coders are regular people you see at the supermarket buying food for their families. They don’t look any differently. Having been in the coding business for some years, I had the opportunity to work directly with coders. On the whole, they were regular Joes and Janes. But the really good coders, the coders who could find bugs fast, or write code that had never been thought of before, these men and women were mystics and they did not know it. At least they didn’t advertise it or talk about it.
These men and women would follow energy lines through the code in the same way I do to find lost keys. They would tap into collective fields of awareness in the same way a Shaman does. With a few of them, I saw that these skills would only come about when they had spent dozens of hours on a piece of code, and they were exhausted. Others would do it all the time.
The industry called them “good coders”. I called them Mystics. Not surprisingly, these coders were also interested in spiritual advancement, expansion of the mind, ETs, UFOs, and loved Fantasy and Science Fiction. All things that look beyond what we call “plain reality”.
When I have scratched a little bit by asking these mystic coders to explain how they do their work, I usually get two different reactions from them. One is to deny all “intuition” or “mystical skills” from the equation, and become defensive about their programming training and logical mind skills. The other is to become fascinated by the reality and their mystic skills are something they would love to learn more about, and want to know where or how to learn more.
In both cases, their abilities and their lives were fractured. Their minds, their identity and their mystical skills were far removed from each other. The really good coders had moments of connection (mysticism is all about connection), but in the main, stumbled upon a method that became how they code really good, like being up for a long time, or some other method to get in the flow. Still, it was something that was separate from their main self, more like a super self they use specifically and only for the purpose of coding.
Whenever I take on a Mystical Student, the first few months are spent decompartmentalizing their lives. It is spent putting together their minds and Identity back together again. Often, this involves becoming comfortable with sharing their “woo” interests with work colleagues and family members.
You are still reading this article, which means you have either gone through this decompartmentalization, or intuitively know that it is healthy to do so. And if it is the latter, the last sentence of the previous paragraph probably made you cringe. The thought of your work colleagues and family members knowing that you read this article, for example, might send shivers down your spine.
Welcome home :D
Very interesting ! i think these 'super coder' mystics might also be called meta-coders. Meta means 'about', or the level above the code, in this case. i'm not a coder, but i did write some code when i worked at a university, code for the early computers built around the Motorola 6502 Microprocessor, like the Commodore PET and Apple II. Compared with what simple logic circuits were able to do, even these early microcomputers seemed like something from sci-fi in the early 80s.
Coding, in some sense, is like composing a letter -- given the same details to convey in the letter, each administrative assistant tasked with writing it, will do it a bit differently based on their own personality. Each coder's particular personality also becomes evident in how they structure the code and what subroutines they use, since there are different routes to take to accomplish the same end result. If there is a bug (an inherently improper coding sequence), or an embedded virus (a deliberate intent to do other than what the overall function of the code does), it can become evident at the higher meta level for those who spend a lot of time coding and who also have the mystic gene of knowing the meta level of reality.
In some sense, this meta coding ability could be compared with that of a psychometrist, a clairvoyant who is able to pick up the vibrations in an object, pertaining to a particular person who once held or possessed the object, and what they did in time-space. Like a psychometrist is 'fractured' by seeing not only the physical object, but also the 'other' anti-particle trail left by someone who held once it, so the meta coder is able to trace the intent about the writing of the code, at the antiparticle level.
These good coders are essentially good meta code readers -- in that they can intuitively see the intent behind the code displayed in front of them -- not just at what the code does at the machine level, but what the intent is for it to do to the user.
It is also interesting to consider code written by AI -- and if a super coder might be able to see the meta level in it -- what that might look like for them. Would they then, in effect, be looking right into the alien mind matrix ?
A book written by a Romanian secret service agent describes advanced technology used to assist and enhance remote viewing by a human operator. It relates how code in the operating system for the device can enable a dark entity in the anti-particle side of reality, to influence the functioning of the device at the meta-level -- and thus how the device would work with the intention of the human operating it. It's an idea that on the antiparticle side, which is like a parallel reality to ours -- computers, all digital devices in fact, are accessible and influenceable to negative beings and forces existing there.
A traditional curse placed on a physical object can influence anyone holding it, only if they have an appropriate access point in their personality -- like a psychological trauma -- and dire outcomes in their life can occur as a result. If however, a similar occult construct to a curse is created at the meta-level of computer code, this 'digital curse' can be then be included in the code for an O/S (by writing code with a particular meta-intent). When the code for the O/S is finished, it can then be simply duplicated millions of times and installed in each new iPhone. This is the advantage of a digital curse (or mind-virus like the Wetiko known to indigenous peoples) over a traditional 'analogue' one which needs to be put on each specific object at a time.
In a way then, all people using an iPhone would be considered capable of being 'meta readers', like super coders are in writing the code and consciously also reading the meta code to find bugs or viruses. Average users of digital devices however would mostly be -- UNconcious meta code readers. Maybe at the beginning of the digital tech revolution, there weren't many good meta code readers (conscious or unconscious ones), but as time has gone on, this ability was passed in DNA and evolved through the morphogenetic field/ 100th monkey effect, to where now most people are good, even super meta code readers.
Could this effect of being influenceable through the meta level of code running your devices be likened to a 'neuralink' for accessing the brain directly and implanting subliminal messages and propaganda, but w/o the need of a physical technology ? Like the code at the normal level operates the functions of the device and presents the unique data received by the device -- to the user in palatable format, the meta level code inherent to the O/S would also facilitate the particular meta intent behind each set of digital data -- to be easily subsumed by the unconscious of the user. Could most of us now be, in fact, like mind-controlled Manchurian Candidates waiting in a state of unconscious readiness, to be activated by a phone call from Control giving us the meta code word to spring into action ?
One interesting trick that the Romanians apparently used to prevent the dark influence over digital code, coming from the anti-particle side of reality -- was to write the code in sacred geometric forms.