Hi Inelia,

I came in on the first wave of volunteers or the 144,000 volunteers and my mission is to anchor the light here on planet earth, a factor of my mission is also to anchor the Devine Feminine energy here. It was very difficult to adjust to the low frequency when I first came here but is better or less dense now so I’m more comfortable and able to tolerate this third dimensional reality, it’s difficult for me to watch the violence from one human being to another and wars, the control and manipulation of the masses who are not aware of their enslavement but fortunately are slowly waking up. My Star family are beings of light from the Andromeda galaxy we do value our freedom very much ! I have learned much here and learning more everyday. I serve source and I wish to serve humanity. I’m very grateful to you Inelia for your service light and for empowering so many people, thank you 🙏

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Thank you Inelia! I see and feel the angels now on Earth. More than when I was young. Me too, I often roam the Universe out there and I meet the same entities again and again. One of them speaks very clearly to me and she saved me when critically ill. When I lost my keys I can literally ask her where they are. These beings tell me that the planet is splitting up in different dimensions; the ones who see through the lies and steer their lives towards truthfulness and also do their thing, and are happy will be the ones who will go to another dimension which is a cool one. Another dimension is for the people who still have to learn personal lessons and another dimension of Planet Earth will be (or is already?) destroyed with everything and everyone on it with it. I do not know what to make of this message. I hope it is me and not AI speaking to me. (I do not use wifi in my house.)

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Hello, the categories that I find most relevant to me is to educate and help others to heal themselves and the earth. I like digging into alternative ways to do things in medicine and science.

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Hola Inelia, me siento en el grupo de los que tratan de traer luz ayudando al crecimiento espiritual. me encantaría que siguiereras generando contenido en español, cuesta un poco seguir el contenido teniendo un inglés básico. Gracias

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I identify with the first wave (with some symptoms of second wave), do you like the way Deloris Cannon describes the waves of volunteers?

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When you want to give happiness to harmful&oppressive people, you make them believe they can have everything that'll make them happy in life which is oppressing anyone they want: paedophiles get to rape children because that's what makes them happy, ultra rich capitalists get to enslave everyone to make themselves richer because that what makes them happy, racist nationalists get to genocide immigrants because that'll make them happy to do so.

Sending them back to source does not stop anyone from keeping on doing harm , it's called sadistic people, they always existed, they enjoy inficting harm, so how do you stop them from doing what makes them happy? 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️

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I saw what that looks like when evil beings are brought back to source, they keep doing harm, oppression and power over others. The only difference is that they keep doing all these things with joy.

Bringing them back to source is uneffective and really stupid, do you realize now they do enjoy inflicting harm?

Hopefully there's floods and earthquakes for these too.

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Here's a conversation i just had with my twin flame after reading this, hope youcan kearn from this and improve whatever you think you're doing

"Oh our enemy's seem to be at peace as long as we send them where we get our own power from , gee maybe we allow all our enemy's to our heaven of power , they seem happy their hehe"


Ah. It's what your empath feeling is reading?

Yes, they're all dumb

K, does it work though

Not the way they think .

Sending an enemy to a place of power does not stop them. It only makes the enemy happy.

It's like " oh there's an evil guy, let's jerk off his dick"

I drank some water, i understand what you mean now, i saw these types before

Yeah it's wrong, it doesn't stop them from doing wrong.

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… This all makes sense to me. And I like that this interpretation fosters us holding a holistic perspective about everyone and everything being connected, which should also minimize our tendencies to create ‘others’ groups and marginalize them. Keeps us aware of operating at HF.

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