I wonder where long term renting a piece of land / house and garden comes into this, would the relationship be similar (only limited by the length of time renting?)

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When I moved here in Sandpoint Idaho in 2021, the land told me “don’t try to be good”

I have lived by this advice and it has been amazing to truly be me and accept me and the way I do things.

I know this is crazy, but I’ll ask anyway :)

Is it possible for you to do this workshop here in Sandpoint?

Thank you for the work that you do!

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To me this idea of a parcel of land having a say in who owns it, is more like there being a curse put on the land. It was like your father had put a curse on the land he offered you, which had his intention of deceiving you and screwing up your plans. Once the curse is placed on a delineated area, it exists there as part of it, even if the person who placed it may change their attitude, or even if they die. Those who know how, can remove the curse though. i suppose you could even compare it to a burial ground. On land where Natives buried their dead, is it the remains of the dead that hold that power that is behind poltergeists being experienced by those who unknowingly later build a house and live there, or does the power exist as part of the land even when the bones are unceremoniously removed ?

But why does the land, which is part of Gaia, Nature accept this type of intention i.e. a curse ? i like to see it in terms of Machaelle Small Wright's understanding of the sacred contract that exists between humans and Nature: "In order for the human souls to experience life within the band of form, it is essential that the soul combine with form and function as a working unit. Nature is the dynamic that creates, orders, organizes and adds life vitality to all of form. It is from the Nature dynamic itself that form is created. For a human soul to function within the band of form, it must unite with Nature—in essence, form a partnership with Nature. This partnership is at the very core of the sacred contract that Nature has accepted with human souls as well as with spirits from all dimensions of reality that wish to experience life within the band of form." [This would be the sacred way of going about this partnership, but with humans, not all things are done in a sacred manner unfortunately.]

This sacred contract can be seen in regards to a garden: "From Nature's perspective, a garden is any environment that is (1) initiated by humans, (2) given its purpose and direction by humans and (3) maintained with the help of humans. For Nature to consider something to be a garden, we must see humans actively involved in all three of these areas. It is the human who calls for a garden to exist. Once the call is made, Nature responds accordingly to support that defined call because a garden exists through the use of form. Humans tend to look at gardens as an expression of Nature. Nature looks at gardens as an expression of humans." https://perelandra-ltd.com/blog/a-garden-as-defined-by-nature.html

Or i like to see this sacred contract between human souls and Nature, as working properly in how indigenous peoples regard the land -- not through the delineation of an area solely for ownership and conducting of human activities in this area with little or no regard to Nature as the sustaining dynamic, but through respecting the inherent purpose and contribution of Nature and all the Elementals inherent to that land. So by proceeding in harmony with Nature in all affairs, the sacred features of the land are evoked though the members of the tribe experiencing them and identified in the tribe's oral history and their language and thus their consciousness also. Personal ownership is not even known, as those in civilization know it, since most indigenous languages are verb based, not noun-based, i.e. translating using our language -- for them: "it was done" or "a great sacred event happened there" vs "i did that", or "we own that now because we conquered it" for us. This book describes about how language is intertwined with the land itself with regards to the ancient Mi’kmaq peoples: https://www.amazon.ca/Language-this-Land-Mikmaki/dp/1897009496/

This is the way the sacred contract with Nature is supposed to work, yet humans can get away with a lot, and Nature will even accept a negative intention done by someone who knows how, i.e. a curse. Maybe land ownership through an official deed, also entails something like a curse being placed on the land that is owned, which then holds that intention that is expressed in the deed because it is officially recorded and accepted at the collective level of a society. It's like a magical rite that is enacted which we only believe is just a legal affair. Normally when someone buys the land and the deed is changed, that change automatically follows through to the land itself. However some people with the knowledge and power can circumvent that normal official process and insert their own intentions in curse format on the land which supersede the normal ownership change.

Of course the nation in which the parcel of land is situated holds a higher authority over the owner's rights to their land, which in many republics is called "Eminent Domain." In lands still considered part of the British Empire (Commonwealth) it is different, as the state is entirely the property of the sovereign and the sovereign's rights are given by God, since they were conceived and born under proper succession. The legal concept behind "Eminent Domain" originated in the 1600s with the Dutch, Hugo Grotius, who also has been considered the father of international law as well as maritime law, since if it was left up to the Brits at the time, all land and sea would have wound up as their empire.

So this is all, in a way, a subversion of the sacred contract between human souls and Nature whereby Nature agreed to create, order, organize and add life vitality to all of manner of form first delineated by humans, land ownership under collective conventions, as well as rogue curses, being valid examples of Nature's acceptance of all of humans' doings on the planet in the band of form.

It is also interesting to compare the concept of renting vs owning. Clearly a renter has none of the official rights over land, that an owner enjoys. Keeping this in mind, as well as how Nature accepts any properly done delineation and intention, consider the possible purpose of Blackrock Inc. buying up everything that can be possessed, while Bill Gates has been buying up farm land, as well as indigenous peoples across the planet being forced to disposes their traditional lands and way of life. As humans, we have a sacred contract with Nature/Gaia/the planet, but do aliens, especially those coming from another Universe ? Once enough humans have been forced to become renters of all things, including land, will this sacred contract become null and void by default, and the planet made available to the highest bidder as it does in an expropriation ? Could this be the true purpose behind the globalist's motto "you will own nothing and be happy" ?

But remember people can still place curses on land despite it being officially owned by others (especially when the owner has no intimate involvement with the land they own). So are we only made to believe we have no rights -- no rights to the planet even -- by becoming lowly renters ? Just consider why your father might have needed to destroy the building the squatters were occupying -- maybe the curse on the land couldn't have been placed if he had simply evicted them, but rather they had to leave willingly, and take their Squatter's Rights made inherent in the land with them, for the land to accept the curse ? Gaia might consider that Squatter's Rights trump both ownership rights and a right to place a curse, if the squatters fulfil Wright's sacred contract clause (3) "land is maintained with the help of humans." Similarly, could we still claim Squatters Rights to the planet, even when the aliens have bought it all up, and have Gaia endorse those rights ? Maybe we could even use your ceremony to, in effect, 're-occupy' the planet, after we have ceded all our civilized deeds as we seem to be being forced to do in the near future.

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